
The Pond

There are words that have fallen
Far beyond that of my chatterings,
Scattering shards of my existence
Across these pages before you…
Those moments where I so foolishly
Laid my soul before the world
Exposing truths of its batterings,
Shattering my heart alongside…
Yet, both of them remain full
Of hope…
I could not breathe within this world
If not for the others… both here and there…
Sharing their enlightenments with my being,
Seeing that I have endlessly searched for them
In this world… and in the next…
And beyond even that…
My soul hath no greater desire than
To reach for another… who is searching,
Purging all that is wrong while
Converging upon all that is right…
As the light absorbs the darkness that
Lingers within us…
My chatterings are only that of normalcy…
No extraordinary philosophical reasonings
Sprinkling seasoning upon the world of
Psychological thought…
Yet, as I ponder upon that which is normal…
 Finding that there is perhaps, nothing of this world
That exists in normalcy…
Not even that of my own existence…
Then possibly all of us, unknowing perhaps to most,
Actually reside in a most extraordinary existence…
That realization not experienced by many…
Especially the introverts…
Nor the converts from sanity…
Never believing that they themselves
Are extraordinary…
Perhaps they don’t find that existence
In their reflections…
Or their recollections…
Yet, if they have shared love…
Truly felt from their heart and soul…
Then they have provided the world
With new thoughts of wonder…
Thoughts of possibilities…
Thoughts of hope…
And warmed the soul of another…
Their chatterings then speak of truths
That resonate far beyond this world
And that of the next…
Perhaps even beyond that…
For their light has filled another heart
With the unsurpassed feel of being loved…
And that…
In our humanness…
Is our grandest moment…
© 2014 All Rights Reserved

27 thoughts on “Chatterings

    • Thank you Janetcate – It is indeed a grand moment to know that you share that kind of love with another soul. It truly is a feeling of completeness. Hope you’ve had a most beautiful day…


  1. Your poem has me conteplating, I realized today…again! seems as though this is somthing one must learn over and over… we are light, form is an illusion of time and space, the eyes which are bound to time and space trick us into believing that this gross matter is who we are, but we’re are not that: we are light incarnte in matter.


  2. It is only through such chatterings that we let go and release the pent up feelings that cage us as our mind walks back and forth in our cells… We share those inner most thoughts because not to is to throw away the Key…
    Our words unlock our prison.. as we reach out to others both to help heal and to warm of the dangers of holding all within…

    May you continue to unlock your doors dear Michael.. and share your heart..
    May 2015 open up yet more doors and melt more hearts..

    Happy New Year my friend..


    • Good evening Sue – Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such an enlightening comment. You’re exactly right about unlocking our prison. I don’t think that I could stop sharing my heart and my soul and my odd sense of humor at this point. It has become an important part of my day. Whether I post anything or not, I am always writing and always reading posts by those I so enjoy visiting. I hope your 2015 is filled with love, enlightenment, insight and beauty… and I’m looking forward to many more interactions between us…

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