When the White Wolf Howls


When the White Wolf Howls
The silence of the lambs in echoes
Reverberate throughout the world
We watch while innocence disappears
And lives become unfurled
We hear the sounds of scattering wings
In the flight of eagles and owls
When even midnight turns around
Whenever the white wolf howls
The world in awe stands idly by
While they tramp through cities and towns
As the blameless fall upon the swords
In the thunder of ghastly sounds
There must be peace upon the land
Before the whole world falls
If answers dwell beneath the breath
It’s the final curtain call
We hear the sound of fluttering wings
In the flight of the ravens prowl
When even moonlight turns around
Whenever the white wolf howls

Copyright © All Rights Reserved


11 thoughts on “When the White Wolf Howls

    • Good morning Purpleanais – Thank you very much. lt is a little eerie, but our world is becoming a little more eerie every day it seems. Thank you so much for dropping by and for taking the time to brighten my day with your comments…
      Hope your Monday is most beautiful…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning Tina – Well… my day is now complete… I have received a ‘bravo!’… Don’t get too many of those, so I’m really honored when I do. Hope your weekend was most enjoyable and wish you a most delightful Monday…


  1. Pingback: When the White Wolf Howls | Artists4Peace

  2. standing on hallowed ground when the bells of midnight sound
    gives ones soul… a shake, rattle and roll
    yet when the white wolf howls, the silence becomes loud
    for once again, the whispers are heard on the wind
    stillness embraces the mind, deep within the spirit is once again defined
    one can feel all is right, as the night music takes flight
    on owls wings unfurling wide, the raven flies, and I am at peace inside

    I love your thoughts, eerie ? not to me, I walk often at midnight with Maya, my white wolf 🙂

    Take Care…You Matter…


    • I am most happy to tell you that this is one of the most unusual and beautiful comments I have received. I think we both can hear the whispers in the wind… Aren’t they beautiful… I’d certainly like to join you and Maya on one of those midnight walks… stop by and take me along sometime. In the mean time… give her a hug for me.
      Thank you so much for the wonderful conversation this evening. I have enjoyed it very much…


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