The Darkest of the Moons


The Darkest of the Moons

She wandered in the shadows
Of the darkest of the moons
With eyes no artist’s pallet could portray
Her vision of tomorrow
Etched on clouds of ancient runes
From wisdom found in secret passageways

She would not light the candle
For the shadows hide the muse
Where words beyond her beauty taste the rhyme
Her vision of the night to come
With pathways yet to choose
Can pause the sand cross pendulums of time

She could not breathe in light of day
Her breath dwelled in the veil
Where conjured brew lies hidden neath the vines
Her vision of what midnight brings
Of love in moonlight’s braille
Will pen her shadowed passion tween the lines

She lingered in the shadows
Of the darkest of the moons
Like portraits borne of Michelangelo
Her vision through the crystal ball
Of wings from scarred cocoons
Has found what’s beautiful beneath the snow


Copyright © 2016

15 thoughts on “The Darkest of the Moons

    • Good morning Elaina… Thank you so much. This was fun to write with unrestrained imagination. I shall always know that hope is a light in the darkness… for those of us from scarred cocoons can always find what’s beautiful beneath the snow…
      Hope your day is filled with many of those beautiful moments…

      Liked by 1 person

      • The first of a three day snow storm just began to bring the first of those beautiful moments to Northern Illinois. I’ll have my coffee by the fire with Robert Frost tomorrow morning 🙂


    • Hi Nathalie… Thank you so much for dropping by and brightening my day. I don’t think at this moment that life is particularly treating me well… but I am absorbing what life has thrown at me and I am hopefully using it wisely. Every day that I can experience a new dawn is a very good day. Your waves of inspiration and fairy wishes are very gratefully appreciated and I shall use them wisely as well.
      Hugs and well wishes to you as well…


  1. Well this moon baby loves your work and your musing about what lies behind the muse of the moon.
    So sorry I haven’t visited here and read your lovely words that always warm my already warm heart for you. Hard to imagine it could be any warmer than it already is. ❤️


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