In Morning’s Yawn

In Morning's Yawn

In Morning’s Yawn

He could not see the light beyond the moment
He could not feel the braille beneath his touch
The light down in the tunnel growing dim like twilight’s close
And fever from the rain was far too much
He reached for silver strings only finding tattered thread
Braided in a desperate search for truth
Standing in the vortex of a devastating storm
Raging through the shadows of his youth

He could not find his way beyond the moonlight
He could not blend the palette yon the dawn
But the moonlight always shined upon the hunger of the wolves
While his palette left its hues in morning’s yawn


My deepest gratitude to all of those who have
honored themselves serving their country…
with special respect for those who have
left their hues “In Morning’s Yawn”…
Sadly… humans have not learned…
This is not the way to put an end to war.

Universal Soldier



Standing in Peace

Peace 1a

Standing in Peace

You walked with me
Through fields of barley
Deep into the Himalayans…
Watching, as those of unbelief
Crumbled that which we cherished
Before our eyes…

We paused in a brief moment
Of meditation in Nepal
As we both searched for the stillness…
While others of different thought
Threatened us with walls of stone…
We fell upon our knees
Pressing our palms tightly together
In prayer for peace…
Finding ourselves betrayed
By those amongst us…

We stood together in rice bogs
Of the Mekong Delta,
In effigy of those of misguidance…
Watching horrors that we alone
Could not prevent…
Finding only the souls of the innocent
Rising above our bended heads…

I remember when we stood
Alongside the boundaries of Auschwitz,
As tears filled the banks of the Sola,
From both sides of the fence…
Yet, we laid shackled beneath the surface
By the indifference of the world…

Remember when we stood bare foot
In the hot sand, near Samara
Hoping to find our way
To the cool of the Tigris…
Only to find the graves
Of wanderers in search of tranquility?

You and I have traveled forever together…
Searching for what our souls have longed for
Throughout eternity…
We have even strolled along the sidewalks
In the suburbs of the city of the arch,
In our contentment…
Only to find our children
Lying in a pool of their own transgressions
Because of those who could not pause
For only a brief moment,
To find reasoning of what is right
And what is wrong…
Leaving the blood of our youth
Upon those very sidewalks…
While we stand in our discomfiture
In search of just one single strand
Of forgiveness…

We stand together now,
Hand in hand…
As we have so many times before…
In the streets…
Marching through the avenues…
Aligning the side roads
The back roads
The alleyways
In search of the hope for peace…
Finding in return only the promise
Of more young women and men
To give their lives,
Their limbs,
Their sanity…
For causes that every one of us standing here knows
Cannot be solved with blood…

Yet, we will forever search…
We will forever unite our hands
Around this world in search of hope…
In search of one tiny glimmer of light
To shine upon a single moment of peace
For all who suffer
From the diluted and depraved ideals
Of those unable to find
Love within their own breath…
We will write upon our pages
With our hearts and with our souls
Within our contravention…
To those who can only see the
Death of their enemies as the road to peace…

We will paint upon our canvasses
All the colors of the rainbow
With our compassion for peace
Vacant within those who seek only war
To end persecution…

We will join our hands together
Amongst the words of the poet
And the masterpiece of the artist
With the audacity of hope that
War can be disburdened with peace
And hate absolved with love…



© 2015 All Rights Reserved…

To Humans

To Humans

To Humans
          by Creatures of the Forest

Of course I am familiar
With the creatures that wander the forest…
For I was raised in the tops of trees
Towering to heights far greater
Than most of your concrete and steel…
Yet the creatures that wander
Your sidewalks and streets
Are far more cruel than any
That have ever wandered
The forest floor…
Of those amongst the woodland
To slay another
Is only in the name of necessity of food…
The survival of the species…
While those amongst the concrete
Slay others in the name of hate
There is no slaughter within our forest
For there is no animosity
Nor disrespect for another
Except for that by humans
In their greed for riches
Or trophies upon their shelves…
Yet those amongst you…
In your castles and cadillacs…
In your cavalries and camouflage
Slaughter those
Who are unwilling to comform
To your way of life…
To your so called democracies…
Perhaps to your religion…
You kill one proclaiming their guilt
While killing ten of innocence
Without judge nor jury…
Yet professing it as justice…
Over and over
You have slaughtered the masses
While in the same moment
Asking God to bless your nation…
I suppose that you have left God
In wonderment of creation…
For I am most certain that the intent
Was not for one to kill another…
Nor imprison another…
Nor torture one over words…
Nor starve another…
Nor leave one to survive without shelter…
Nor to die of illness
Impoverished by circumstances…
There is no injustice
In the tops of trees…
We are always of nourishment
With berries and leaves
And the grains that linger nearby…
All are shared equally with the others…
The creatures that dwell
Upon the forest floor
Do not know cruelty…
They do not slaughter one another
For land or oil
Or because they do not like the lifestyle of another…
Although you speak of yourself
As the creature of reason
The superior species of all of creation…
I will choose to live with the animals of the forest
For they are the ones of reason…
It is those who live in the tops of trees
That possess love and compassion for another…
While you in your ignorance…
In your misguided self-indulgence…
In your endless pursuit of war…
In your lust for treasures…
Dwelling in your peculation
Longing to slaughter one another into extinction…
I will be lying in comfort
Full with sustenance
Covetous of nothing
Loving the creatures near to me
While welcoming those who wander
Into my forest
Willing to share my nest with another…
Swaying in the gentle breeze
In the tops of trees…


Copyright © 2015

When the White Wolf Howls


When the White Wolf Howls
The silence of the lambs in echoes
Reverberate throughout the world
We watch while innocence disappears
And lives become unfurled
We hear the sounds of scattering wings
In the flight of eagles and owls
When even midnight turns around
Whenever the white wolf howls
The world in awe stands idly by
While they tramp through cities and towns
As the blameless fall upon the swords
In the thunder of ghastly sounds
There must be peace upon the land
Before the whole world falls
If answers dwell beneath the breath
It’s the final curtain call
We hear the sound of fluttering wings
In the flight of the ravens prowl
When even moonlight turns around
Whenever the white wolf howls

Copyright © All Rights Reserved


A Soldier… to the advocate of war

To go along with the above picture… Being a writer, I know within my heart that there are some things that I just can’t sit back and remain silent about.  As those of you who have honored me with your visits, likes, follows and comments since my first post know,,,  there are many subjects that I have been unable to remain silent about. Tonight’s subject matter is certainly no exception.  Besides… isn’t that what blogging is all about???

If you don’t want to suffer through my rant about war… then skip over it and read the poem…

Either way… please read the poem.

There are truths in the poem… My rant?….. An opinion.  Comments about either are welcome.

Today is my day to confess that I am an anti-war advocate.  Oh… I don’t mean that I wish there were no wars… I mean that I am seriously ANTI-war.  If this were the sixties or early seventies, I would be out amongst the masses proudly lifting my peace sign as high into the air as I could possibly reach.  It seems that my lifetime in this plane of existence has been polluted with perpetual war.  War hurts my soulKilling of another human being hurts my soul.  We never really complete one conflict before diving head first into another.   I could easily write a ten thousand word dissertation of my feelings about war, including all the supposed little things surrounding war, like killing suspected terrorists with missiles shot from drones without concern about the innocent children or adults alongside them.  Since when did America start killing “suspected” criminals without the right to a trial?  When did America start incarcerating suspected criminals without the right to a trial or even the right to consult with an attorney… or… excuse me… without even the right to notify those who love that suspected criminal of their whereabouts?  And torture???  Really???

I thought these were the things that Americans and America stood up against.

Killing only strengthens the enemy… or as we have seen most recently… Killing only creates new enemies that never existed before the killing began.

Okay… I’m done…

Enjoy the poetry from a soldier… written to an advocate of war.  It could be a senator or a representative that thinks that war is the answer… It could be an entire network of news media that eagerly offers hours upon hours of air time to those very same advocates of war, helping to beat the drums as loudly as they possibly can in their never ending promotion of war… It could be those who profit so well from war.  My list would continue into infinity… but if I don’t stop now… I’ll end up with that ten thousand word dissertation on “Why America should NOT indulge itself in war.,”  and my followers will find something else of interest to read instead of my poetry… but then… apathy toward what our own country, that we try to love so dearly, is doing militarily and secretly… is in fact a large part of the problem.

Okay… now I’m done.

Sorry for the length of my rant… not sorry for its content!

Please… be an advocate of PEACE!!!


“A Soldier”
(To the advocate of war)
How could you just stand there
Scrolling through your list of names
While I stood right before you
Engulfed in breathless flames
I remember in my weakness
When you led me to the slaughter
The time you stood upon the shore
While I slid beneath the water
You’d think that somewhere down the line
I’d learn my lesson well
But I just stood there by your side
While you led me into hell
I obeyed your every spoken word
As I slithered through the mud
While you just sat upon your throne
And spilled my brothers blood
I killed for you, in the name of oil
Just as you commanded
Wiped out half a quiet village
Not so single-handed
You seemed displeased at the end result
And returned me to the fire
I wonder what you want from me
If I may so inquire
Now I’m home among my folks
Missing both my arms
It’s proving somewhat difficult
To bail hay on the farm
You tell me that my brain’s just fine
PTSD and all
But every time I hear a noise
I hunker down and crawl
I was there when you called my name
But you’re not there for me
Now you look the other way
While I’m drowning in the sea
You’d think that somewhere down the line
I’d learn my lesson well
But I just stand there by your side
While you lead me into hell


Have a very peaceful weekend…
