To Humans

To Humans

To Humans
          by Creatures of the Forest

Of course I am familiar
With the creatures that wander the forest…
For I was raised in the tops of trees
Towering to heights far greater
Than most of your concrete and steel…
Yet the creatures that wander
Your sidewalks and streets
Are far more cruel than any
That have ever wandered
The forest floor…
Of those amongst the woodland
To slay another
Is only in the name of necessity of food…
The survival of the species…
While those amongst the concrete
Slay others in the name of hate
There is no slaughter within our forest
For there is no animosity
Nor disrespect for another
Except for that by humans
In their greed for riches
Or trophies upon their shelves…
Yet those amongst you…
In your castles and cadillacs…
In your cavalries and camouflage
Slaughter those
Who are unwilling to comform
To your way of life…
To your so called democracies…
Perhaps to your religion…
You kill one proclaiming their guilt
While killing ten of innocence
Without judge nor jury…
Yet professing it as justice…
Over and over
You have slaughtered the masses
While in the same moment
Asking God to bless your nation…
I suppose that you have left God
In wonderment of creation…
For I am most certain that the intent
Was not for one to kill another…
Nor imprison another…
Nor torture one over words…
Nor starve another…
Nor leave one to survive without shelter…
Nor to die of illness
Impoverished by circumstances…
There is no injustice
In the tops of trees…
We are always of nourishment
With berries and leaves
And the grains that linger nearby…
All are shared equally with the others…
The creatures that dwell
Upon the forest floor
Do not know cruelty…
They do not slaughter one another
For land or oil
Or because they do not like the lifestyle of another…
Although you speak of yourself
As the creature of reason
The superior species of all of creation…
I will choose to live with the animals of the forest
For they are the ones of reason…
It is those who live in the tops of trees
That possess love and compassion for another…
While you in your ignorance…
In your misguided self-indulgence…
In your endless pursuit of war…
In your lust for treasures…
Dwelling in your peculation
Longing to slaughter one another into extinction…
I will be lying in comfort
Full with sustenance
Covetous of nothing
Loving the creatures near to me
While welcoming those who wander
Into my forest
Willing to share my nest with another…
Swaying in the gentle breeze
In the tops of trees…


Copyright © 2015

16 thoughts on “To Humans

    • I am so glad you enjoyed it Amy… I certainly belong outside city life, but due to health reasons, I’m virtually stuck here… but I must make the best of the situation. However, I’ll never stop dreaming from the tops of trees… Glad the words touched you in some way… As you already know, it’s comments like yours that inspires us to write another. Thanks for brightening my day…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning RMP… Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to let me know you enjoyed it… but we can always find room… by welcoming those who wander into the forest, willing to share our nest with another. Hope your day is most beautiful…


    • Thank you Nathalie… I’m sure there could be some debate over the ‘full of wisdom’ part, but I’m certainly glad that you liked it. Hope your day is full of beautiful wisdom as well…


    • Good morning Paris… Your “WOW” has certainly brightened my day and placed a smile upon my face. Amazing what taking the time to tell someone you liked their words can do to brighten the day for another… and I thank you…
      Hope your day is filled with beautiful moments…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much FS… I am honored that you felt touched by the poem. I believe that must be the goal of most writers… I thank you for all who dwell in the tops of trees…


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