Yet… You Stay


Yet… You Stay…

So you come to me with your black eye
Your nose bleeding profusely
Scratches on your face
On your arm…
On your back…
Tears pouring down your face
Not in droplets… but in streams
Telling me how horrible he treats you…
Yet… you stay…

Last week when you knocked on my door
Your ear had been nearly torn off…
You cried for an hour while you explained
To me how it was your own fault…
That you shouldn’t have asked why…
Why he didn’t come home until 2a.m.
Because questioning his whereabouts
Was one of his triggers…
I could show you the trigger he needs…
But then, you’d hate me instead
Everyone has warned you so many times
Yet… you stay

Remember back in April
When you called from the emergency room
Because he choked you till you passed out
And left finger print bruises all around your neck?
Do you remember when I got there
Four hours before he bothered to check on you…
Then you went home with him?
I told you the very first time he hurt you
That he would hurt you again…
Yet… you stay

I can no longer stand idly by
While I watch you bleeding…
Listening to the mental cruelty that
He professes to be your own fault
Because you push his triggers…
Yet… you stay

Each time my phone rings from your number
My first thought is that it’s probably
From the coroner…
Because that’s what is going to happen if
You stay…

You took my love…
You allowed me to stop the bleeding…
You let me cover the wounds…
Yet… you turned and walked away…
Heading down the street…
To the hell in which you live…
To the one who thrives on seeing you bruised
Seeing you beaten…
Seeing your blood on his hands…
To the place where he will torture you
Until your dying day…
When the coroner calls me
And asks me to come identify you…
At the place where
You stay…

© 2014

We have to do more than stop the bleeding…

We have to stop the violence!


16 thoughts on “Yet… You Stay

    • Thanks AC… There is a considerable increase in awareness of this horrible truth, yet it seems that the violence continues to increase as well. I wish I had some answers. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It’s my favorite part of wordpress. If I might add… your poetry is beautiful and I’ve certainly been enjoying it.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Audrey… It seems so many of those abused seem to have the misconception that they can change the abuser. If everyone would just be a little more observant, there are always signs of someone that is being abused. Sometimes just offering the time to listen or extending a helping hand can make a difference… Sadly though, it often doesn’t. Thanks for your always supportive comments. You know I love it when that happens.


    • Yes, Janetcate… Passion is the right way to approach the problem. There’s just too much apathy or the feeling that it’s somebody else’s problem. We definitely need more passion in standing up against it. Thank you so much for your comment… it’s truly nice to know that it inspires the passion…


  1. Very profound.. Yes so much domestic abuse goes on.. yet so many walk right back.. Its hard to help a person feel Worthy again..

    So much more needs doing to address this problem.. Thank you for bringing this awareness to more ..


    • Hi Sue… Good to hear from you again. Yes, there are too many that will turn around and walk right back into the fire… or perhaps a fist in this case. Your point of feeling worthy is probably a very important part of the whole problem. I worked in a hospital emergency room to protect abuse victims from their abusers while they were being treated. I was in disbelief of the number of them that would turn right around and leave with the very one that had beat them, but there was nothing that you could do to prevent them from doing so. Sad…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes so very sad Michael… Working as I have done in Mental health and Supporting Adults with learning difficulties as a Support worker for the last 10 yrs until this Autumn.. I have seen many a case history revealing abuse which stems right back into childhood too..
        It is surprising how Feeling ‘ Un-Worthy’ often can stems back to childhood experiences of the victims.. And the perpetrators of using such violence..
        We have a huge responsibility in raising our children. For these are the adults of future generations who in turn will teach their children by example..

        Liked by 1 person

    • So true… It seems to be incorporated within our humanness. Sadly… Thanks for taking the time to comment once again… It makes me very happy to see your gravatar pop up with a like or a comment. Truly glad you’re back…


  2. We often wonder why people stay in abusive relationships often times they do so because of fear. Others are ashamed for others to know what is happening to them. However I believe that trend is changing as victims realize they are not alone and they can get help.


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