In Dreams of Another

In Dreams

The following poem was chosen as a finalist in the
United Poets Laureate International (UPLI) Global Poetry Contest
“The Natica Angilly Award” for Dancing Poetry
I am very honored by their recognition…

In Dreams of Another
I’ve wandered in your lucid dreams
Of forest mist and silent streams
Monastic robes in hues of gold
Where secrets never stay untold
You’ve walked with me on foreign shores
Exposed my fate behind closed doors
We spoke with faces on the wall
Reciting rhymes in whispered drawls
You’ve wandered in my lucid dreams
Of vagabonds and sparrows wings
The dawn absorbed in Persian hues
Where artists find their lucent muse
I’ve flown with you above the brume
Shared passions thirst where laurel bloom
We penned the writing on the wall
And changed the fate of raven’s call
We are but one in lucid dreams
Our merging souls like luscious creams
In poetry, our secrets told
Where lucid dreams and love enfold

Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved

41 thoughts on “In Dreams of Another

    • Good morning and thank you Michael… It was my first attempt and may remain the only attempt, but it was an interesting experience… Tried to visit your site this morning only to find a ‘private’ notice. I have so enjoyed your writing and hope that this is not a permanent situation… I always look forward to hearing from you and I thank you for your honored comments…


    • Thank you Laine and good morning. It is a rainy weekend here, but that never seems to bother me much, while sitting at the table… writing… listening to distant thunder…
      Hope your weekend is filled with inspiration…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you, Michael. It’s Memorial Day weekend in the United States – a time of mixed feelings and reflection for me. Hopefully, the song of sparrows won’t be drowned out in the hoopla.


      • Yes… Memorial Day toys with my feelings as well… but the songs of sparrows will never be drowned out, except for those who can’t even hear them in the stillness… but you and I shall hear their voices… and be inspired by their song of peace…

        Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning Nathalie… I’m glad you enjoyed it. It was an interesting experience but what really inspires me are the wonderful comments and interactions that flow between us… and I thank you…
      Hope your Sunday is filled with beautiful moments…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Tina… I do hope those were the good kind of shivers… last time I had the shivers was due to fever… This was my first attempt at contests and probably my last… but it was entertaining…
      Hope your Sunday is full of inspiring moments…

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Daddy you’re the most brilliant person in this world. I am so blessed to be your little girl. Too bad I didn’t inherit your creativity and intelligence. At least I got the grooviness though.


    • Good morning darling daughter… You must not know many people if I am the most brilliant. We are both blessed by sharing this lifetime. Your creativity and intelligence is wonderfully present… You just keep it hidden beneath the brume… Sunshine and clean air will release them both to bloom with enlightenment… Yes… you may feel free to read between the lines…
      Hope your day is very beautiful…


  2. Pingback: Moonlight Sonata - Lucid Dreams Of A Dreamer - Unseen World

  3. Another fantastic read. You paint visions with your words; a world full of beauty and wonder. i am so truly impressed.
    Now the English nut-case is going to come out and i will make one comment. I hope this freedom doesn’t offend…..
    “Shared passions thirst where laurel bloom”
    “Correct” usage would be “…where laurel blooms” or “…where laurels bloom”.
    For the sake of rhyme, the second would probably be the best choice should you agree with my opinion.
    That said and out – i can return to the beauty of this peace. Long enough to tell a story. Short enough to be read over … and again … just to soak in the atmosphere of this read.


    • Hi Marcus… Thank you for your wonderful comments. As far as “correct” usage of English… I plead poetic license… Whatever pours out of my heart and soul remains etched upon the parchment in stone… ere I wouldst nary pen of passion…
      Glad you liked it…
      Hope your weekend is magnificent…


  4. Oh yes I like this presentation all the way around! You had me at the art so I knew the rest would be stellar! I’m not certain if you started out to win an award either way I think it is well deserved! Do you ever read your own work later and think wow did I write that?
    I do! I will see a post my friend JM reblogs and think oh lovely who did this and my name is there! I said all of that to say that I believe some people get peeks, glimpses into that other realm where magic and miracles happen and set own to paper or fingers to keyboard and a gift comes out for you to share! I like it when that happens! I think it did right here! I do! 🎈😊


    • Thank you MichelleMarie… I didn’t write the poem to enter into the contest… it just seemed to find it’s way there along the journey… I was very honored to be recognized by such a talented group of poets…
      I must admit that there are many of my poems that seem to be co-written with
      Poets passed… You will find that I mention that very thing in many of my writings… I must admit that I am fortunate enough to visit those “other realms” quiet often… sometimes lingering there far too long… but usually resulting in some of my better writing.
      Clear the mind… take a deep breath… and let the fingers speak for those of wisdom…
      Obviously, you have experienced that very thing with both your writing and with your camera…
      Lucky for us… you have chosen to share them with us…


      • I had a feeling when I read these posts that you shared. I loved each one of them. What I loved was you were pouring out from that well spring inside your heart! I do believe this is both healing for the writer and the reader. I like that you are brave to express what’s inside and not worry what others will think. I’m working on that. I’ve not always been comfortable sharing my inner thoughts. Long story….aren’t they all to a story teller. My Gpa was a story teller. He recited poetry at the dinner table and it was so real that my brother used to respond like he was talking right to him. It was so cute! My pa as I have said was a poet, and then my brother literally wrote a poem as a dare to show he could write from that place in 5 mins and he did and then as a joke entered this contest and won. Can you believe that? Well he’s published in the Library of Congress under Echoes. It was so funny because he said Mick I promise I just wrote what was there. I like that you said the same thing here. You clear you mind and let the fingers speak for those of wisdom. I like that! 😀 That made me smile! Have a super day. I’m so thankful it is Friday! 😀


    • Dinner at Gpa’s house must have been quite entertaining. Hope to read more from him and your dad.. and let me just say that I have ‘so’ enjoyed our interactions. Glad i found your blog…


      • Okay you can say that! 😀 I like that! I’m happy you found me and got my attention! I tend to fly through my blog quickly like I’m on a mission…why I don’t know! I need to slow down and enjoy these interactions more! I like the way you say things! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Michelle… I don’t fly through anything any more… I’ve slowed everything in my life down to smell the beautiful aromas… to absorb the beauty in the dawn… to linger in the words of another… to ponder on love to where it is unquestionably experienced by the one who has felt loneliness… to be
      seduced by the enchantment of awaking before the dawn, to experience the birth of a new day… I am blessed with every day that I linger in this world and I shall muse in its beauty…
      I know that you don’t fly through everything… your posts and your photos are much too beautiful to not have found creation through lingered thoughts…
      Lives are busy… but at least slow down whenever and wherever you can…


      • Oh wow talk about like-mindedness. I was going to ask you if you ever smelled someone’s scent? I was outside and smelled my Pa in the dawn. I was sitting on his chair waiting and I went back inside to get more coffee and I smelled him and thought wow that smelled like pa. So I went back and it was gone. So I’m like the dog going around smelling for him. This happened once last weekend in my garage. I didn’t realize it till I was back in the house, so I went right back out. My sister said she opened her cabinet door and thought she smelled pa and didn’t leave the kitchen. I think that is so amazing because neither of us said a word till I was brave and said UM I smelled pa outside and in my garage! Isn’t that so funny? I like what you said about the beautiful aroma of the dawn and also my wildflowers smell like freshly washed sheets line-drying. My Gma used to do that and I’m a smeller. I smell everything. When I first started in printing/publishing I loved the smell of ink! I’ve always said I have ink in my veins. I smell all my issues when they come back from the printer. I equate many thing with smell and also taste. I think it is good to surround ourselves with things that smell and taste good like cherries they are so wonderful and in season I’ve eaten so many.
        Why did I share all that? Who knows but I’m going with it! I’m so tired of second guessing myself. It makes me tired worrying about what I share and say! BLAH! I’m going to release it and let it go. I imagine when I do this them flying away!
        You are right I just read your comment one more time…I don’t fly through everything I usually fly through those things I am most familiar with that are second nature to me, but to most people it seems like I’m flying through I process some things quickly and then there are things I don’t get at all and I’m okay with that! Okay so right this minute I am free to read your blog now! It’s funny how I’ve had that on my mind since last night! Oh you know what? I have this feeling God is using the things you say to shore me up or something! Because they are going to my core I can feel it! I have one other friend that is this way and her words go right through to my heart and I love that! Whatever all that means I have no idea but I’m happy for it nevertheless. I love those words put together. ❤


    • Yes, I do smell them… I sense many aromas from ‘the other side’… I smell the pipe tobacco they smoked… the perfume they wore… the scent of their hair… the foods they most enjoyed… and sometimes I can feel their breath upon my face… I hear their words… and sometimes… although perhaps not as often… I see them standing near to me… So, once again… many consider me a bit strange or considerably ‘un-normal’… while I just consider me blessed…


      • OMG I cannot believe you just said this! I feel them too! Like in my face! No crazy in my face but if I could feel their breath I would! I’ve never felt it! That is really cool! I love it when our mind’s are expanded!
        I’m listening to Zac Brown Band! Colder Weather! Talks about the rambling man with a gypsy soul that’s my Pa! I’m a lot like him I’m just caught up a little more then he was!
        I think you are not un normal at all just maybe a little crossed over then most! That’s a cool thing most men aren’t that way unless they’ve had some rough times that sifted their soul! Sifting is not fun but so worth the purging!


    • The stillness of the mind… the quietude… the calm of the water… the ability to sit with yourself and enjoy the company… all of these help to bring them closer… Rough times and I are certainly very old friends… I am very much a little more crossed over than most… I don’t usually share that sort of thing with others… but then, not everyone can sense the little tingles on the back of their neck like you do…


      • Oh gosh when I was a kid was scared to death literally of that presence. It was so strong because I pushed it away or actually tired to stop it. Then one day me and my dog sat still in the quiet. It was odd I had my back to the dark hallway which I never did I always had every light on in the house….and my dog raised her head and looked and raised her ears so I sat really still. It felt not scary but I was scared. I made myself feel whatever it was and then I was okay! It felt like a cocoon or a hug! Then my dog died shortly after that and one day I was sitting on the couch and I felt that feeling but when I looked over to where she used to sit I was filled with peace and now I’m not even afraid of pitch black dark! I’m not afraid of anything not even death. My girl has almost died 4 times. So I sat alone and waited with her and it was the most peaceful feeling. I was reading Mother Teresa’s book at the time No greater love and she was talking about silence:
        Trees grow in silence
        Grass grows in silence
        Silence your mind
        Silence your eyes
        Silence your mouth
        for it is in the silence
        the heart of God speaks.
        It’s true I looked out the window and the trees were blowing, we were on the 4th floor of the hospital and they looked so brilliant and I just got the whole silence thing. without words. I know you know what I mean! 😀 There is a peace with knowing all that. Sometimes I am shocked because health issues and facing these things sneak up on you! Kind of! 😛


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