“For You”

Taxi and Willow

For You

If I could fly across the sky
With eyes of one who’s blind
Perhaps I’d find that touch alone
Can feel your beauty shine

If I no longer heard the sound
Like one with deafened ears
Perhaps without the music’s lilt
I still could taste your tears

If I could wander into Eden
Without aroma’s bloom
Perhaps I’d find clairalient scent
To sense your love’s perfume

If I no longer pondered taste
To know the ‘sweet’ of passion
Perhaps I’d dwell in lucid dreams
And savor love imagined

If I should walk into the storm
Too broken to feel the rain
Perhaps my words could touch your heart
And take away your pain

If I no longer penned in verse
My love for you through time
Perhaps we’d drift through other worlds
And scribe eternal rhymes


Copyright © All rights reserved

23 thoughts on ““For You”

    • Thanks Nathalie… Glad you liked it. I just came from reading “Cathedral”… Great post… most unusually beautiful picture and magnificent words…
      Hope your evening is magnificent as well…


  1. It would appear someone has (or had..) a very special place in your heart. These words just feel to rich to be “imagination only” … although I’ve been known to be wrong before 🙂


    • Hi Marcus… You are not wrong this time. That is the part of my life that has been most wonderfully fulfilled. I am a very lucky human being… Good to hear from you… I’m looking forward to your next post… Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me…


    • Hi Sue… I’m so pleased that you sensed the aroma… When I wrote this I thought in that very moment that if anyone appreciated the use of that word that you would be the one to do so. It’s even difficult to find in the dictionaries, so I’m not sure how many readers found its true meaning. Glad you enjoyed it…
      Hope your evening is filled with wonderful aromas…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh yay I was hoping You posted and I love the sweetness of your heart expressions. Makes me wish it was for me. It’s all so sweetly you Michael. I hope you have a restful evening and may your sleep be sweet. Happy sunrise to you! Sweet dreams I’m crashing🌻


    • Ahh,.. the hopeless romantic poet…. sometimes I start writing these and just can’t quit… just flows onto the page. Hope you have had a most inspiring Thursday and that your daughter is feeling much better…
      Wishing you beautiful moments…


      • AWE it is so sweet. You are a romantic I can tell from your writing. Especially your photos! Someone told me once that I’m not romantic and that’s not true it’s just that well I don’t really say it or whatever I show it. In my photos and art, I think I’m caught in a different time when women were ladies and men were gentlemen! Somewhere in Time is my favorite movie!
        My daughter is feeling better. Hopefully she will ride to work with me tomorrow.
        Beautiful moments right back to you sweet romantic Michael! Mick

        Liked by 1 person

  3. This is why you are who you are to me. You inspire my longing soul. Your poetry should be read by women everywhere. Such care, such love, such longing… and all for one human being. Everyone should be so lucky, Michael. To have words like this to keep them company allowing for safety to fall over them securely. Perfection written by a poetic provider. Lovely. You deserve a lustrous morning view, my dear. May your Thursday’s dawning find you safe and filled with love. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Thursday dawning is now upon me and I have awakened and made my way to the coffee pot… therefore it is, once again, a beautiful dawn… and then to find your beautiful words awaiting my vision, has indeed created the lustrous morning view that you have so generously offered. The inspiration of the longing soul seems to work in both directions… your poetry… your photos… our conversation has inspired me more times than I could count. In fact… speaking of being inspired by your comments… when you find the right moment… be sure to check a ‘new; comment left beneath “I’m not an Italian Poetess”… I think you will enjoy it… It was most beautifully inspired by someone whose heart still wanders Nebraska… I think you know her quite well…
      Yes… I am what I am… Oh, wow… that wasn’t very original… I think I’m quoting Popeye now… You know, of course, that longing souls, so often, are drawn together for reasons that we sometimes are unable to explain… yet it touches our hearts in just the right way… in just the right moment in time… and it shall linger within us forever…
      Smile… it’s a beautiful Thursday… and you have already inspired another…

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think I heard you quietly drop the microphone and then take a sip from your coffee cup…your comment is not one anyone, at least not me, could ever respond to appropriately. Please tell me it takes you hours to respond to comments, because if you tell me you write like this in seconds I’ll burn my pen. Smiles. I agree, our kindred spirits do indeed inspire one another. I am blessed by your friendship and your poetic eye. Your poem, Misty Dawn, is longing and most humbly written by you using your ability to understand me. I appreciate you and the effort required to soothe me. Thank you. Nebraska and I are lucky to have found you.
        Popeye…giggles. I cherish my opportunity to learn from you. Reading your work is a blessing to us all! My prayer is we will always have your work to inspire us. ♡

        Liked by 1 person

    • Microphones and I have never been very friendly with one another… It makes me sound like someone I am unfamiliar with… but I have been dropping just about everything I have touched lately… Hearing me sip my coffee is most likely correct… Sorry if I happened to have ‘slurped’ while you were listening… I must admit that the response of which you are referring came quite naturally, without effort. When you are inspired… well… it just kind of flows onto the page. Then there are those times that takes me a few days… not necessarily because I don’t know what to say, but because I am a perfect example of a true procrastinator. Who I am commenting to and what I am commenting on, certainly can make a difference. When I respond to your comments, it’s like we’ve been friends forever and I can just say whatever I want without fear, because… after all, we’ve probably known each other through many lifetimes and in many different situations, so my words just spill all over the page. Never ever burn your pen… or your keyboard… we need you… I need you… who would I write all my silly poems to and leave them lingering in their comments section that would understand one of such
      un-normal-ness… and still claim to be a friend?
      Sorry about the Popeye thing… I typed before I thought… again…
      Oops… tears were not my intention… Smiles of Nebraska… now that was my intention…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning Natalie… Thanks for dropping by and I’m certainly glad that you enjoyed it. I have very much loved reading your words and admiring the beautiful photos that you have chosen to go along with them… Your writing seems to bring peace within me and I thank you very much…
      Have a wonderful Tuesday…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Very touching words with feelings my friend ,
    “If I should walk into the storm
    Too broken to feel the rain
    Perhaps my words could touch your heart
    And take away your pain ”

    For my own reasons that verse said it all and wish I had found them words and put them in one of my verses,
    Keep finding the words my friend , for words is all one needs in this life of ours , take care , stay strong ,..


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