One of Life’s Fables

Chicken Wire One of Life's Fables

One of Life’s Fables


So there’s one bad word in this post…
So that one bad word appears three times in this post…
If you’re offended by one bad word repeated three times…
Then don’t read this post!


One of Life’s Fables

It’s just the chicken wire…
That’s all that keeps us
Trapped inside the barnyard
Walking through the shit…
The last time you found a hole
In the fence –
How did you feel?
Yet… exhilaratingly free?
We all get tired of
The pigs
And the goats
The cows
And the horses
The sheep
And especially
The shepherds
Prodding us along
To pastures
No longer green –
And yet…
We remain
Trapped inside the barnyard
Walking through the shit
Afraid to face what awaits us
……….Beyond the chicken wire

So stand on the weather vane and crow
Paw at the ground and bite at the bit
Unless you can cackle your way yon the wire
You’ll always be walking through shit



Buzzards 7

Vehicles were circling my house
Parking both sides of the street
The people were silent and solemn
I pulled up a chair for a seat

My first thought was maybe I died
Then remembered I have few friends
Especially the one that parked in my drive
Drivin that Mercedes Benz

There’s really just one explanation
I don’t understand being dead
I must have mistaken the people and cars
When they’re really just buzzards instead


Just a little ‘sick’ humor to brighten your day

What If?

What If 2

This poem is not posted in celebration of thanksgiving.  I’m not much into holidays.  I am not sitting here celebrating a pilgrim.  I hope that everyone who reads this post is celebrating a bountiful harvest… enjoying good food… sharing love and laughter with those for whom you care.  I do ask that following these days of celebration… you share your own bountiful harvest… your love and your laughter… with those less fortunate.  That would bring the true meaning of thanksgiving into their life… and into yours.

I am very thankful to be fortunate enough to know what love is…
and very thankful that I still have the ability…
and the audacity… to write silly poetry.
Thank you for sharing your smile with another…

What If

So what if they never get said
Those peculiar thoughts that wander my head
So what if they never get said

I thought them once or twice or thrice
The weirdest of things of my own device
But still I thunk them… once or twice

Just once my thoughts were slightly crude
Hypnotic erotic psychotically skewed
But only once my thoughts were lewd

So what if they never get said
They’re scribbled and dribbled and riddled instead
So what if they never get said

If I did spake them quite outloud
Blameless and shameless and brainless and proud
Twas only once… amongst a crowd

I tend to blurt and spurt the spice
Musing or boozing confusing my vice
But now I sip just once… or thrice

So what if they never get said
Pathetic poetic mystique in my head
So what if they never get said


Autumn 1


You’re from Where?

Astronaut 33

Okay… enough seriousness for now…
So… put on your sense of humor.

I’ve written many serious poems
of love…
of abuse…
of innocence…
of sadness…
This is “not” one of those…

You’re from Where?

Once upon a world without time
In a star cluster, far far away
Amidst the home of the Seven Sisters
A single cell was fertilized
Near Electra…
The third brightest star of the Pleiades…
Transmutated in the light of Meissa
Near the beautiful crest of Orion
To incubate for a period of 33 cosmic years
Then teleported to a distant blue planet
Called Earth…
Where 33 days later
At the most interesting hour of 0333
Coordinated Universal Time…
The cell divided…
And divided…
Until the birth of a most un-normal being
Of this world and that of another…
Now dwelling amongst the pages of wordpress…
I bid you good morning…

May you have a most enlightening day


Michael33,  XXXIII,  Treinta Tres,  三十三,  तेंतीस,  তেثلاثة وثلاثين, 

ত্রিশ,  тридцать три,   سی و سه






That Little Voice
    No… not that one…
        The sarcastic one

You should go ahead
And write it on the page…
If you don’t
Your secret will one day
Leap from your heart
And splat upon something
That you wish it had not…
Like an online blog…
Where all three of your followers
Will find it right before their eyes…
God forbid…
Reblog it…
For all the world to see

Maybe the time isn’t right…
Perhaps Tuesday would be a better day…
But for heaven’s sake…
Not today…
The world is not prepared
In any way whatsoever
To read your secret…
Such a thing could warp the earth
Upon its axis…
For no one in this world
Could ever have imagined
What you…
The one of such ordinary poetry
Have kept locked
So deeply inside your heart…

Go ahead…
Write it on this very page…
If you don’t…
You will one night
Spill it all over O’Leary’s
Mahogany bar
And it will forever
Be ingrained in the wood…
Oh sure…
Your secret will impress
The beautiful young lady
Sitting in the dark corner booth
All alone…
But you already know
That she could never…….
Keep your secret

You should go ahead
And write it on the page………
If you don’t…
Your secret will one day
Leap from your heart…
And splat upon something
That you wish it had not…


“Queen of the Knight”

Good evening all…

I’d like to wish all of you a very happy new year and very beautiful experiences along the way through the next three hundred sixty two days and nights of 2015.  Since joining wordpress in September, I have had some wonderful experiences reading your blogs, enjoying the visitors, the likers, the followers and especially those who have taken the time to leave their most inspiring, encouraging, enlightening and often humorous comments.  They always brighten my day and I am honored and humbled by you all… I am also very appreciative of those of you who have been very tolerable of my rather lengthy comments on your sites.  I do so love the interactions between us all and truly hope that it continues throughout this year and many more… I am both honored and humbled by the unexpected special friendships that have developed from within this experience… and I thank you sincerely…

I apologize for my unexplained disappearance for a few days.  It seems that I somehow became invisible and couldn’t find myself.  During this time of my imponderable physicality, it seems that I must have traveled into the fifteenth century and absorbed the life experiences from some previous lifetime.  I am certain that many of you who have been following my posts have already surmised that I would post something a little “odd” for my first publishing of the New Year. I hope you enjoy reading the account of my experiences within this other era of our world, as much as I enjoyed posting it.  Maybe it will place a smile upon your face.

“The Queen of the Knight”
I was a little in awe as I knelt down before him
The stone walls cold and the torch lighting dim
My right shoulder felt the touch of the blade
The disquietude beginning to fade
Laying the steel upon the left shoulder
Presenting the crowd with an unknown soldier
All of the liturgy for using my flagon
To rescue his lady from the path of the dragon
The king had not known me before in this time
His sword would have severed if he’d known of my crime
For I’ve known his lady as more than his queen
Seduced by her sensuous iris of green
His subjects were pleased by the king’s interactions
And little disturbed by my lack of reactions
Many had thought me a bit on the shady
But they never suspected I’d slept with their lady
I now will be staying inside castle walls
My passion will wander its path down the hall
The lady’s desires rage far beyond lust
And the loyal Sir Knight will do what he must
I will lay down my life for her majesty’s sake
It is only her absence that makes my heart ache
Dishonoring the king will be my demise
When his lady the queen can tell no more lies
I was happy just being the pauper and pawn
Serving like water improperly drawn
Obscured from their vision like the rare blackened dove
Surrendered to my lady, the queen and her love
My knighthood beckons the call of the Sir
Being a vagabond is what I prefer
I’ll bow to the king and live in the dream
While silently stealing the cream of the queen
I’d rescue her honor, again from the fire
Not for the king but for my lady’s desires
For why let the dragon devour her bones
Whilst I can do that on my own?

© 2014 All Rights Reserved

And the loyal Sir Knight will do what he must…

(Sir) Michael33

Christmas Haiku

Holidays 2008 037

Twas the night before
Creatures stirred all through the house
A Merry Christmas

Ho Ho Ho he said
Fat man lay upon his bed
Dreaming of his sled

Twas a holy night
The stars were brightly shining
It was His birthday…

Rudolph the reindeer
Flew high upon the roof top
Quit drinking next day

She gave me a gift
Wrapped loosely in cellophane
I gave her my all

A very Merry Christmas to you all…


Inducing a Smile

Althea bee 4

Inducing a Smile
Good evening fellow bloggers and visitors from other worlds,,.
Just feeling a little on the lighter side of writing today, so I thought… (ahh ohh – a thought… that’s not always a good thing with me)…
So, I thought that I would offer a couple of Haikus and of course, as most of you have come to realize, I never seem to be able to write a serious Haiku… So here are a couple of un-serious ones and a short, also un-serious poem, strictly in the attempt to induce some serious smiles…

Fairy Tale Haiku
Once upon a time
On a blog, far far away
There lived a haiku
Mother Nature Haiku (or maybe not)
You took my flower
Then you pollinated me
Most Bee U T full
Okay… done with the Haiku
The Sting
That was a serious sting
The burning and hurt beyond
Any anticipation…
It wasn’t the sting of a bee however,
It was from her…
The one with the big blue eyes…
At least when a bee flies at you
With a smile on her face
You know her intentions…

© 2014

Hmm… two bee poems… you’d think that I must have had an encounter…
